ACENET Summer School - General

The first week’s sessions give a general introduction to parallel computing. Specific implementations will be covered in subsequent weeks of the summer school.


In order to compile and run the examples this week you will use:

  • the shell command line (bash)
  • the GNU compiler suite (gcc, gfortran)

One exercise involves compiling and running C code, another involves compiling and running Fortran code. Familiarity with these languages will be helpful but is not required.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
Day 1 14:00 1. Introduction What parallel computing is and why it is important?
How does a parallel program work?
14:25 2. Parallel Computer Architecture How is a typical CPU organized?
How are parallel computers organized?
14:40 3. Parallel Programming Models What levels of parallelism are available in modern computer systems?
15:05 4. Performance and Scalability How do we measure parallel performance?
16:05 Finish
Day 2 14:00 5. Independent Tasks and Job Schedulers How to run several independent jobs in parallel?
14:10 6. Input and Output How is input/output in the HPC clusters organized?
How do I optimize input/output in HPC environment?
14:25 7. Analyzing Performance Using a Profiler How do I decide where to begin optimizing my code?
15:15 8. Thinking in Parallel How do I re-think my algorithm in parallel?
16:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.