This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Git Collaboration: Glossary

Key Points

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)

Overview of Git hosting sites
  • Several services exist that offer hosting of Git repositories.

  • Hosting of public and/or Open-Source projects is mostly free of charge.

  • Hosting of non-public repositories often requires a paid-for plan or has certain restrictions.

  • Several self-hosted solutions exist.

Issue Tracker
  • Issues are used to plan further development.

  • Developers and users will communicate so that developers can reproduce bugs.

  • Enhancements and feature requests are discussed, working out the expected use-cases as well as parts of the implementation.

  • Issues of bugs and enhancements that cannot be immediately be resolved stay open so that they are not forgotten.

Forking a Repository
  • By forking a repository you create a copy under your own account.

  • You can use this ‘fork’ to develop you own feature or fix a bug that’s bugging you.

  • This can be the base for contributing these changes back to the original project.

  • Sometimes however it is used to initiate an independent spin-off that will diverge over time.

Pull Requests
  • Pull requests are used to merge commits between repositories that share a common ancestor.

  • Like issues contributors and maintainers can communicate via comments.

  • Commits that are pushed to the branch that is to be merged become part of the PR.

  • Once a maintainer is satisfied with the contribution, they merge the pull request.

  • Pull requests are closed by either merging or rejecting them.

Code Review
  • Code review increases code quality.

  • The reviewer checks whether the contribution conforms to the set standards.

  • When has »I promise I’ll write the documentation/tests later!« ever worked?

  • A second pair of eyes might find a more elegant solution.

  • The reviewer might learn something new when reading someone else’s code.

Continuous Integration (CI)
  • Running automated tests often helps tracking down bugs early.

  • With CI, tests are being executed anytime changes are pushed to the repository.

  • CD is used to automate the deployment of new releases.

Tags and Releases
  • Software releases add version numbers to specific states within the development cycle.

  • This is done by attaching Tags – immutable labels – to a certain commit.

  • Using ‘Semantic Versioning’ helps to communicate to a user what they can expect when upgrading.

  • Never change a release retroactively or re-release the same version with different content.

  • With Zenodo you can get a DOI for any release hosted on GitHub, making that version citable.

  • git branch bname creates a new branch bname from the currently checked-out commit.

  • git checkout bname switches the workspace to the branch bname.

  • git checkout -b bname combines the commands git branch bname and git checkout bname and creates the new branch bname and switches to it with the same command.

  • git merge bname merges the branch bname into the currently active branch. It’s always the currently active (checked-out) branch that is being changed.

  • git branch -d bname deletes a branch that has been merged.

  • To delete un-merged branches, we have to force git to delete them by using -D instead of -d. This is to prevent accidentally deleting those branches and loosing data.

Integrated Wiki
  • Wikis are an easy way to share simple documentation.

  • Developers can edit the documentation within the browser.

  • Permissions can be set to allow any user to edit pages.

  • This allows crowd-sourcing efforts.

  • As it is stored in a Git repository, changes can always be reverted.

  • Markdown is a lightweight and rather intuitive markup-language that is widely used.

  • GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket offer a way hosting a website on their platform.

  • The pages are stored in a Git repository.

  • The pages are static in a sense that there are no server-side scripts or databases.

  • GitHub and GitLab offer building pages from e.g. Markdown files with ‘Jekyll’

  • In those cases Jekyll is executed whenever commits are pushed to the server.

  • The process works like a CI/CD pipeline.
