This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Git Collaboration: Instructor Notes

This a transcript of how this repository is used alongside the Git Collaboration lesson.

In a workshop:

In the end, the fork-tree should look something like this for a workshop with five attendees:

flowchart RL A( acenet-arc /
testing_demo ) ; B[ instructor /
testing_demo ] -- fork of --> A ; subgraph Used in the workshop C1[ attendee1 /
testing_demo ] -- fork of --> B ; C2[ attendee2 /
testing_demo ] -- fork of --> B ; C3[ attendee3 /
testing_demo ] -- fork of --> B ; C4[ attendee4 /
testing_demo ] -- fork of --> B ; C5[ attendee5 /
testing_demo ] -- fork of --> B ; end

The original repository will remain in its initial state and issues and pull requests will only be created towards the instructor’s fork of the repository.

1. Introduction

This episode includes only a short recap on the Git workflow.

2. Overview of Git hosting sites

This episode gives an overview over the Git Hosting Platforms GitHub, and Bitbucket.

3. Issue Tracker

In the episode Issue Tracker demonstrates the use of the Issue Tracker.

4. Forking a Repository

In the episode Forking a Repository the instructor will fork the (template) testing_demo repository and the the workshop attendees will fork the instructor’s fork of the testing_demo repository.

5. Pull Requests

In the episode Pull Requests a change will be committed to the forked repository and for this change a “pull request” (by some platforms also called “merge request”) will be opened towards the instructor’s copy of the repository.

The commands are in the call-out box Submit a Pull Request within the episode.

6. Code Review

In the episode Code Review the previously opened pull request is used to conduct a code-review. Attendees work in pairs and review each others pull requests. This is all done on the website.

7. Continuous Integration (CI)

In the episode Continuous Integration prepared workflow files are used to enable Continuous Integration pipelines.

The commands are in the call-out box Getting Started with GitHub Actions

8. Tags and Releases

In the episode Tags and Releases a release (and the accompanying tag) are created on the repository’s website. Also the topics of semantic versioning and citable releases are discussed.

9. Branches

The episode Branches introduces the concept of branches and uses the Git Sandbox to practice the different commands.

10. Integrated Wiki

The episode Integrated Wiki introduces the Markdown syntax and how to use it on the Wiki modules that are integrated into the platforms.

11. Pages

The episode Pages shows how to host a static website with GitHub Pages and gives pointers how to do the same with GitLab pages and Bitbucket.