Exercise: Julia Set


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • Exercise to apply what we have learned so far.

  • Starting from this CPU version of the Julia Set code, port it to using GPUs using CUDA.

In the first session of the ACENET Summer School we have been introduced to the Julia set as an example to demonstrate weak and strong scaling.

At https://acenet-arc.github.io/ACENET_Summer_School_GPGPU/code/10-exercise-julia-set/julia_cpu.cu we have implementation of the Julia set for calculation on CPUs.

The goal of this exercise is to adapt this file for computation on CPUs.

It consists of three parts:

main() function

The main() function allocates the CPU memory, calls the kernel() function and writes a data file julia.dat that contains the x- and y-coordinates of points that should be colored pixels.

int main( void ) {
    int x,y;
    int *arr;
    FILE *out;
    size_t memsize;

    memsize = DIM * DIM * sizeof(int);

    arr=(int *)malloc(memsize);


    out = fopen( "julia.dat", "w" );
    for (y=0; y<DIM; y++){
        for (x=0; x<DIM; x++) {
            int offset = x + y * DIM;
                fprintf(out,"%d %d \n",x,y);  


kernel() function

The kernel() function loops over x and y values, calling the julia() function and storing the result in the array arr.

void kernel(int *arr){
    int x,y;

    for (y=0; y<DIM; y++) {
        for (x=0; x<DIM; x++) {
            int offset = x + y * DIM;
            int juliaValue = julia( x, y );
            arr[offset] = juliaValue;

julia() function

This function tests whether combination x,y diverges (in which case it returns 0) or not (in which case it returns 1).

int julia(int x, int y){
    const float scaling = 1.5;
    float scaled_x = scaling * (float)(DIM/2 - x)/(DIM/2);
    float scaled_y = scaling * (float)(DIM/2 - y)/(DIM/2);

    float c_real=-0.8f;
    float c_imag=0.156f;

    float z_real=scaled_x;
    float z_imag=scaled_y;
    float z_real_tmp;

    int iter=0;
    for(iter=0; iter<1000; iter++){

        z_real_tmp = z_real;
        z_real =(z_real*z_real-z_imag*z_imag) +c_real;
        z_imag = 2.0f*z_real_tmp*z_imag + c_imag;

        if( (z_real*z_real+z_imag*z_imag) > 1000)
            return 0;

    return 1;

Exercise: convert this code to run GPUs

  1. Convert the function julia() to be able to be compiled for GPUs. Hint: this requires adding the __device__ specifier at the beginning of the function declaration.
  2. Convert the function kernel() into a CUDA kernel by replacing the loops with statements to calculate x and y positions using 2D-grids and -blocks.
    • add an if-clause to ensure that x and y are within the range of DIM.
  3. Convert the function main() to allocate GPU memory, call the GPU-kernel with 2D-grid and -block and copy the result array back to host-memory before saving it to a file.

You can either work directly with the file julia_cpu.cu or download julia_gpu_template.cu as a template for your conversion.

Solution for the julia() function

As hinted above, the only change that’s required is adding the __device__ specifier to the declaration of the julia() function.

__device__ int julia(int x, int y){

Solution for the kernel()

  1. The nested for-loops are replaced by statements to calculate the values for x and y from blockIDx, blockDim and threadIdx using 2D-addressing.
    Remember the implicit parallelism by which the kernel will be called once for each pixel.
  2. To make sure we don’t write to addresses outside the limits of the array, we include an if statement that checks that both x and y are within the set limits.
__global__ void kernel(int *arr){
    // map from blockIdx to pixel position
    int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    int offset = x + y * DIM;

    // now calculate the value at that position
    if(x < DIM && y<DIM){
        int juliaValue = julia( x, y );
        arr[offset] = juliaValue;

Solution for the main() function

Allocate memory for arr_dev on GPU

We allocate GPU memory with cudaMalloc((void **)&arr_dev, memsize);. Here we also check the return code of the cudaMalloc() function for any errors.

/* allocate memory for arr_dev on GPU */
error = cudaMalloc((void **)&arr_dev, memsize);
if (error){
    printf ("Error in cudaMalloc %d\n", error);
    exit (error);

Call the kernel

We define block and grid definitions and call the kernel with them. For the grid-size we need to use DIM/blocksize+1 because if DIM is not an exact multiple of blocksize, the remainder would be lost by the division. But because we have added a range-check to the kernel, we don’t have to worry about the final grid being a bit larger than the remaining pixels.

dim3    grid(DIM/blocksize+1,DIM/blocksize+1);
dim3    block(blocksize,blocksize);

Copy results to host

Like we’ve done numerous times before, we use cudaMemcpy() to copy the results from the device memory (arr_dev) back to host memory (arr). Also here we added a check for errors.

// copy results to host
error = cudaMemcpy(arr, arr_dev, memsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (error){
    printf ("Error in cudaMemcpy %d\n", error);
    exit (error);


We call cudaDeviceSynchronize(); to ensure all CUDA kernels have finished. In this case it is not required as cudaMemcpy() already ensures that the kernels have finished and blocks the CPU-code until the copy has finished. However there are also asynchronous versions of this function.

Finally we call cudaFree(arr_dev); to release GPU memory.

/* guarantee synchronization */
/* free device memory */

The remaining code of the main() function can stay as is.

You can find the full solution at: https://acenet-arc.github.io/ACENET_Summer_School_GPGPU/code/10-exercise-julia-set/julia_gpu_solution.cu.

Key Points