ACENET Summer School - MPI

This lesson is about the Message Passing Interface or MPI, a way to write parallel programs that run on multiple computers.


Comfortable programming in either C, C++, or Fortran.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction Why use MPI?
What is MPI?
How do I run an MPI program?
00:25 2. MPI Hello World What does a basic MPI program look like?
How do I compile an MPI program?
How can I find out about more MPI functions?
00:50 3. Hello World in detail What order are MPI programs executed?
What do the MPI functions in hello-world do?
What is a communicator?
01:00 4. Send and receive What is point-to-point communication?
What is collective communication?
How to pass a point-to-point message?
01:25 5. More than two processes How do we manage communication among many processes?
02:00 6. Blocking and buffering Is there an easier way to manage multiple processes?
02:25 7. Collective communication What is the best way to do global sums and the like in MPI?
02:50 8. Diffusion simulation What is involved in adapting a whole program to MPI?
03:30 9. Where to go next Where can I learn more about MPI?
03:35 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.