ACENET Summer School - GPGPU: Setup

This lesson will work best if done on a real cluster, like Alliance’s Béluga, Cedar, Graham or Narval. If you haven’t got an account on those, our virtual training cluster will also be fine although some of the profiling exercises might not work as described.


To set up your environment, load the GCC Compiler Collection and CUDA with:

module purge
module load  StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 cuda/11.4

You should have access to the compiler and tools now. Test this with:

which nvcc
which nvprof

On real clusters we can use StdEnv/2023 with cuda/12.2 instead

All of our real clusters have been upgraded to also support StdEnv/2023 with cuda/12.2 instead of the older cuda/11.4 that is still required on the virtual training clusters.

module purge
module load  StdEnv/2023 cuda/12.2