ACENET Summer School - GPGPU

This workshop presents an introduction to using CUDA to harness the power of an Nvidia graphics card. We will cover the essential basics required to write, compile, run and monitor a program.


  • An Alliance account
  • Basic C knowledge
  • Basic Linux command line competence


Setup Download files required for the lesson
Day 1 14:00 1. Introduction What is a GPU, and why do we use them?
What is CUDA?
14:20 2. Hello World How to compile and run Hello World
14:40 3. Adding Two Integers How does GPU memory work?
15:05 4. Adding vectors with GPU threads How can we parallelize code on a GPU?
15:30 5. Using blocks instead of threads What is the difference between blocks and threads?
Is one faster than the other?
16:00 Finish
Day 2 14:00 6. Putting It All Together How do blocks and threads work together?
What other GPU programming resources are there?
14:30 7. GPU Hardware Architecture What are the capabilities of the GPU that I’m using?
14:45 8. Thread Addressing How can I address multidimensional data structures more intuitively?
14:55 9. Memory Performance How does memory performance impact overall performance when using GPUs?
15:15 10. Exercise: Julia Set Exercise to apply what we have learned so far.
15:50 11. Where To Go Next? What software libraries can I use so that I don’t need to write my own kernels?
Where can I find additional resources?
15:55 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.