Supplemental: In-Depth SSH


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can I save my SSH passphrase on a secure computer?

  • What are SSH-keys, and how do I use them securely?

  • What is the SSH-Agent and why do I want to use it?


Why is SSH in a Git Lesson?

GitHub used to allow command line (CLI) authentication using only username and password, which uses HTTPS protocol. However, this actually creates security risks, so, they removed the CLI username/password option. Instead, they kept two options which provide more robust security: SSH, which is a widely used protocol; and Personal Access Tokens (PAT), which uses the HTTPS protocol, and is specific to GitHub. The minimum level of SSH to connect to GitHub is described in episode 7.

This supplemental episode discusses SSH and key pairs in more depth and detail, and provides details of advanced setup of SSH for GitHub. It is included in this Git lesson because the philosophy of The Carpentries lessons is to provide an immediate hands-on example of the practical skills which are demonstrated. GitHub and other cloud-based services provide this for SSH.

Tutorials for common git cloud based services are found at GitHub, Atlassian/Bitbucket and GitLab (this one has a screencast).

The manual for SSH commands can be found at OpenSSH. If you really want to understand the algorithms behind SSH, a very good book which provides background to cryptography, including descriptions of algorithms currently used, is “The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography” by Simon Singh. Published in 1999, the book provides an early example of the padlock-key analogy for public key cryptosystems widely used.

Saving SSH on a Secure Computer

Most cloud based services will suggest the following command line sequence:

ls -al ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

The episode “Remotes in GitHub” covered the first two lines, but omitted the last two. This section will explain the other two lines and what they do.

A Bit of Background

SSH Key-Pairs

An SSH key pair consists of a public key (e.g. or and a private key (id_ed25519 or id_rsa). The public key can be thought of as a padlock and the private key as the key that can open that padlock. A user can attach their public key to an account (e.g. on GitHub or an SSH server) and the server lets anyone who has the matching private key (the key that can open the padlock) access that account.

As the private key can now be used instead of a password, it is highly recommended to protect it with a strong passphrase (i.e. a strong and long password that can consist of several words). This prevents an attacker who somehow managed to steal (or make a copy of) the private key file to use it, unless they know the passphrase.

When using the private key, we now have to use the passphrase of the private key instead of the password of the account.

The SSH-Agent

An SSH-agent is a program that can run on your computer and can securely hold your private key in memory. You only need to enter your passphrase when adding your private key to the SSH-agent. Whenever you try connect via SSH (e.g. during git push, pull or fetch), the SSH-server can “talk” to the SSH-agent to verify whether it has a matching key.

This way you don’t have to enter the key’s passphrase every time you run git push or git pull but only need to enter the passphrase only once in a new terminal window.

On macOS and many Linux desktops, a keychain application can play the role of the SSH-agent.

SSH Agent on Linux Desktops

You can most likely skip the steps of starting the SSH-Agent and adding the keys, as most Linux distributions are starting the SSH-Agent in the background and using it for the first time will open a pop-up window in which you can enter your password.

SSH Agent on macOS

The macOS Keychain can act as an SSH Agent and you don’t need to start the SSH-Agent manually. Either add the private SSH key via the menu or use the following command:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

This -K option is specific for macOS and confirmed to work with macOS up to version FIXME:. Newer versions of OpenSSH use the ssh-add -K option to manage SSH keys stored on physical security-keys and this option may change in a future version of macOS.

SSH Agent on Windows

You probably want to continue running these commands:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

As this will work in “Git Bash”, the Windows “Command Line”, Windows Subsystem for Linux 1 & 2 (WSL), MobaXterm and others.

FIXME: Add how to convert OpenSSH key to PuTTY format using PuTTYgen, start Pageant and tell git to use plink.exe instead of ssh.exe as the ssh-client.

Using the SSH-Agent

As so often, there are many paths one can take to reach to the same goal. The following commands will work on most machines, no matter if you are using macOS, Windows or Linux.

The following command starts the SSH-agent and sets an environment-variable, so that ssh and git can use it:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
Agent pid 2106

Next we add our private ssh-key to the SSH-agent:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Identity added: /c/Users/Alfredo/.ssh/id_ed25519 (

This will ask you to enter the passphrase of your private key.

You will need to run both commands any time you open a new terminal window.

Remove or Replace a Passphrase

ssh-keygen -p

This will then prompt you to enter the keyfile location, the old passphrase, and the new passphrase. You could leave the new passphrase blank to remove it, however this is not recommended!

If you would like to do it all on one line without prompts do:

ssh-keygen -p [-P old_passphrase] [-N new_passphrase] [-f keyfile]

Removing a Key Pair

What happens if your private key is compromised?

On GitHub:

If you have used the key with GitLab, you should remove it there as well, by going to your account’s “Preferences”, via the profile icon in the top right corner, and clicking on “SSH Keys” in the “User Settings” menu on the left side and then the “trash-can” (delete) icon next to the key.

On your computer:

ssh-add -D <ssh key path> 
ls -al ~/.ssh
rm ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
cat ~/.ssh/
rm ~/.ssh/

Have you used your SSH-key in other places?

Also if you have have added your public ssh-key on any other account, e.g. by using the ssh-copy-id command or manually adding it to the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys) then make sure to remove is key from the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys-file on all computers and all accounts.

We haven’t covered the how to do that in this Git-lesson, but If you don’t, then you are leaving a backdoor for whoever has managed to steal your private key.

Personal Access Tokens

if PAT is removed, you’ll receive the following: git push origin main remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for ‘’

entering a second time git push origin main brought up OpenSSH for me.

git config --global --unset credential.helper

FIXME: Windows 10: Credential Manager
FIXME: remove git credential.

Key Points