
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I allocate memory?

  • How do I free memory?

  • Learn to work with dynamic memory

C and C++ are fairly low level languages and as such you can manage your program’s memory yourself. This means that you can have great control over how much memory is used and when. With careful planning managing memory yourself can lead to lower memory usage and more performant code than in other languages which manage this for you. However, care must be take to avoid issues such as:

  1. memory leaks (memory allocated but not freed) which if inside some looping code could cause your program to run out of memory and crash
  2. writing outside of memory owned by your program (segmentation fault and crash)
  3. writing past array bounds but still into memory owned by your program (no crash, but possibly subtly unexpected result may occur)


In C you use malloc to allocate memory, but in C++ you should use new. It is possible to use malloc but some additional steps need to be taken to ensure it works properly with C++ classes.

There are two flavors of new, the new keyword, or the array version new []. The first will declare a new variable/object of the given type like:

#include <iostream>

int main(){
  int* a=new int;

Here we declare a pointer to an int, a and allocate enough memory using new to hold an integer.

However, if we wanted enough memory to hold a number of integers we would create a dynamic array with the new[]. Lets do that now.

$ cp hello.cpp memory.cpp
$ nano memory.cpp

and then modify it to look like the following:

#include <iostream>

int main(){
  int size=10;
  int* a=new int[size];


$ g++ memory.cpp -o memory
$ ./memory

In this example we allocate enough memory to hold 10 integers and the pointer a points to the beginning of this memory. The [] operator is used to index into a given part of this memory and allow one to access and modify that memory.

Memory allocated using new or new[] is not freed if pointers that point to it go out of scope. This is different than memory that is allocated in statements like int a[10];. This can allow great flexibility in how the memory is used. By passing a pointer to different parts of your code it can access and modify that memory without having to copy the data. This can have huge performance improvements and avoids wasted memory. However it does mean that the programmer is responsible for keeping track of the memory and freeing it.


Remember that in C and C++ the { and } define scope. The below code example:

int a=2;
  int a=10;

will print out a=2, since inside the open { and close } brackets a new a is created and initialized to 10, but only has scope within that code block. This goes for any code block, for loops, functions, if blocks etc.

Generally it is a good idea to match every new and new[] allocation with a matching delete or delete[]. In the above program we haven’t done this, and in this simple situation it actually doesn’t cause any problems. When our program ends that memory is freed up, however if that new were inside a large loop and we didn’t take special care to track memory, would could end up with a leak of unusable memory that won’t be freed until the program ends, which in severe cases could eventually causes us to run out of memory before our program finishes executing.


To deallocate or free memory in C the free function is used, however, in C++ you should use the delete operator instead. It also comes in two flavors delete and delete[] to match the two flavors of new and new[]. Lets free the memory we allocated above.

$ nano memory.cpp
#include <iostream>

int main(){
  int size=10;
  int* a=new int[size];
  delete[] a;


$ g++ memory.cpp -o memory
$ ./memory

Because we used the new[] version we must use the delete[] version to match it. Notice that we don’t have to tell it the size of the array, this information is tracked for us.

Debug tools

It is possible to use a tool to help find bugs in your code. These tools usually let you inspect the values of variables in your code, step through execution line by line, set beak points in your code to stop execution and let you examine variables. They will also help in detecting some memory issues like accessing memory your program doesn’t have access to (e.g. Segmentation faults) and stop on the line where it occurs.


One such tool is gdb the GNU debugger. It can be used from the command line. To use it you first need to compile your code including the -g option.

$ g++ -g memory.cpp -o memory

Then run the newly created executable using gdb.

$ gdb memory

You can the type help to show information about how to use gdb. For more details see: gdb documentation.


Is a collection of useful tools which allows checking for memory errors, performance profiling, and more. See valgrind.org for more information.

How much memory is allocated?

int* createIntArray(int size){
  int* a=new int[size];
  return a;

int main(){
  int* array;
  for(int i=0;i<10;++i){

what is the maximum amount of memory allocated at any point during the running of this application if sizeof(int)==4 (in other words an int is 4 bytes).

  1. 400 bytes

  2. 10 bytes

  3. 40 bytes

  4. 100 bytes


  1. YES: 10x from the loop, 10x from the array allocation, 4 bytes from the size of an int. This is because we do not free or delete any memory during this program.

  2. NO: we are allocating enough memory to hold 10 ints each time the function is called. An integer is 4 bytes so a single call to the function will allocate 40 bytes. However, we are also calling the function 10 times without deleting any memory.

  3. NO: 40 bytes are allocated every time the function is called, but it is called 10 times and we do not delete any memory.

  4. NO: note that when we use new it allocates an amount of memory based the number of a particular data type, in this case an int. This is different than the C malloc function which takes a size in bytes to allocate. In this case size is the size of the array, or the number of ints in the array.

How much memory is deallocated?

int* createIntArray(int size){
  int* a=new int[size];
  return a;

int main(){
  int* array;
  for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
  delete[] array;

how much memory was deallocated if sizeof(int)==4 (in other words an int is 4 bytes).

  1. 400 bytes

  2. 4 bytes

  3. 40 bytes


  1. NO: 400 bytes are allocated, but that isn’t how many bytes are deallocated. The delete keyword is used outside the loop and will delete the last array that is allocated, but will miss the other 9 arrays that are allocated previously.

  2. NO: the delete keyword when used in the form delete[] will delete an entire array allocated with keyword new[] and not just a single element of that array.

  3. yes: 40 bytes are deleted, which is only the last array allocated. That means that 9x40=360 bytes have not been deallocated.

Where does the memory go?

void createIntArray(int size){
  int* a=new int[size];

int main(){

What happens to the memory that is allocated inside the createIntArray function after the function is called and execution returns to the main function?

  1. At the end of the function a goes out of scope and the memory is deleted.

  2. The memory remains allocated however there is no way to access or delete it as the reference to it, a, has gone out of scope.

  3. Since the reference count to the memory is now zero, at some later time the garbage collector will free the allocated memory.


  1. NO: the compiler does not assume that you would want to delete allocated memory when a reference to it goes out of scope. What would happen if there was another reference to it and the memory was deleted when the first reference to it goes out of scope?

  2. YES:

  3. NO: C and C++ do not have garbage collectors and don’t do reference counting for you.

Key Points