While you could use any appropriately configured Linux system to follow along with
this course, it has been developed and tested on Compute Canada general-purpose
clusters and so will work best if you have a Compute Canada account. We have
resources reserved for the 2019 workshop on Béluga, beluga.computecanada.ca
If you are running either Linux or Mac OSX, you can log in by opening a terminal
window and logging in with ssh username@cluster.computecanada.ca
. If you are
running Windows, then you should use PuTTY or MobaXTerm.
Once you are logged in, you can request an interactive session on a compute node with the command
salloc --account=acenet-wa --reservation=acenet-wr_cpu --time=8:00:00 --cpus-per-task=4
Please remember to end your session when you are finished, with exit
or control-D.