ACENET Summer School - OpenMP: Setup

While you could use any appropriately configured Linux system to follow along with this course, it has been developed and tested on Compute Canada general-purpose clusters and so will work best if you have a Compute Canada account. We have resources reserved for the 2019 workshop on Béluga,

If you are running either Linux or Mac OSX, you can log in by opening a terminal window and logging in with ssh If you are running Windows, then you should use PuTTY or MobaXTerm.

Once you are logged in, you can request an interactive session on a compute node with the command

salloc --account=acenet-wa --reservation=acenet-wr_cpu --time=8:00:00 --cpus-per-task=4 

Please remember to end your session when you are finished, with exit or control-D.