ACENET Summer School - OpenMP: Glossary

Key Points

  • OpenMP programs are limited to a single physical machine

  • You use OpenMP with C, C++, or Fortran

Hello World
  • Pragmas are directives to the compiler to parallelize something

  • Thread number is typically controlled with an environment variable, OMP_NUM_THREADS

  • Order of execution of parallel elements is not guaranteed.

  • If the compiler doesn’t recognize OpenMP pragmas, it will compile a single-threaded program. But you may need to escape OpenMP function calls.

Linear algebra
  • The PARALLEL FOR (or PARALLEL DO) pragma makes a loop execute in parallel

  • A single variable accessed by different threads can cause wrong results

  • The PRIVATE clause makes a copy of a variable for each thread

Numeric Integration - Calculating Areas
  • You can use a critical section to control access to a global variable

Searching through data
  • Reduction operators handle the common case of summation, and analogous operations

  • OpenMP can manage general parallel sections

  • You can use ‘pragma omp single’ to have a single thread execute something

Calculating Fibonacci numbers
  • OpenMP can manage general parallel tasks

Drawing the Mandelbrot set
  • Different loop scheduling may compensate for unbalanced loop iterations
